kubectl 是 k8s 的客户端工具,不管是 k8s 的普通使用者还是 k8s 的开发人员,了解 kubectl 的具体实现能从中受益不少。
kubectl 本质是一个调用 k8s api-server 的 restful 工具,同时对于 k8s 开发人员你可以把他当作一个接口文档。在 kubectl 命令后面加上 -v 8
就能把命令执行过程的详细接口调用输出。刚入门学习 k8s 开发大部分对 k8s 接口还不熟悉的情况,这个方法很有用。同时 kubectl 不复杂对于入门学习 go 开发的也很有帮助。
adeMacBook-Pro:~ zhourj$ kubectl get ns -v 8
I1216 09:48:52.018615 1430 loader.go:372] Config loaded from file: /Users/zhourj/.kube/config
I1216 09:48:52.027458 1430 round_trippers.go:432] GET
I1216 09:48:52.027489 1430 round_trippers.go:438] Request Headers:
I1216 09:48:52.027497 1430 round_trippers.go:442] Accept: application/json;as=Table;v=v1;g=meta.k8s.io,application/json;as=Table;v=v1beta1;g=meta.k8s.io,application/json
I1216 09:48:52.027502 1430 round_trippers.go:442] User-Agent: kubectl/v1.22.5 (darwin/amd64) kubernetes/5c99e2a
I1216 09:48:52.191987 1430 round_trippers.go:457] Response Status: 200 OK in 164 milliseconds
I1216 09:48:52.192013 1430 round_trippers.go:460] Response Headers:
I1216 09:48:52.192021 1430 round_trippers.go:463] Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2022 01:48:52 GMT
I1216 09:48:52.192026 1430 round_trippers.go:463] Audit-Id: a41f5321-47f7-453e-90bf-fbdaf9914b1d
I1216 09:48:52.192031 1430 round_trippers.go:463] Cache-Control: no-cache, private
I1216 09:48:52.192035 1430 round_trippers.go:463] Content-Type: application/json
I1216 09:48:52.192040 1430 round_trippers.go:463] X-Kubernetes-Pf-Flowschema-Uid: c59365d7-f4be-4af6-9f86-b228212e6847
I1216 09:48:52.192045 1430 round_trippers.go:463] X-Kubernetes-Pf-Prioritylevel-Uid: 3d9a0acc-996e-43b2-8acc-4d014ae63594
I1216 09:48:52.238408 1430 request.go:1181] Response Body: {"kind":"Table","apiVersion":"meta.k8s.io/v1","metadata":{"selfLink":"/api/v1/namespaces","resourceVersion":"56560505"},"columnDefinitions":[{"name":"Name","type":"string","format":"name","description":"Name must be unique within a namespace. Is required when creating resources, although some resources may allow a client to request the generation of an appropriate name automatically. Name is primarily intended for creation idempotence and configuration definition. Cannot be updated. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#names","priority":0},{"name":"Status","type":"string","format":"","description":"The status of the namespace","priority":0},{"name":"Age","type":"string","format":"","description":"CreationTimestamp is a timestamp representing the server time when this object was created. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations. Clients may not set this value. It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC.\n\nPopulated by the system. Read-only. [truncated 7946 chars]
二、kubectl 工程脚手架
kubectl 代码总体来说不复杂,主要包含了2个要素。
- spf13/cobra:有名的命令行框架,docker 也是基于这个实现的。
- go-client: 基于 RESTClient 封装的 k8S 客户端
2.1 spf13/cobra
Cobra基于三个基本概念commands,arguments和flags。其中commands代表行为,arguments代表数值,flags代表对行为的改变。APPNAME COMMAND ARG --FLAG
// get 是 command,pod 是 argument,-n devops 是 flags
kubectl get pod -n devops
2.2 go-client
直接使用 resetclient 也可以操作 k8s 但需要自己封装一系列的出入参对象,go-client 帮忙把这事做了。ClientSet是一组资源对象客户端的集合,比如操作pod、services等资源的CoreV1Client,负责操作Deploy、DaemonSet等资源的AppsV1Client等。通过这些资源对象客户端提供的操作方法,即可对K8s内置的资源对象进行Create、Update、Get、List、Delete等操作。
package main
import (
v1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
func main() {
config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", "F:\\GO\\src\\test\\config")
if err != nil {
clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
if err != nil {
pods, err := clientset.CoreV1().Pods("kube-system").List(context.TODO(), v1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
for _, item := range pods.Items {
fmt.Println(item.Namespace, item.Name)
3.1 代码位置说明
入口代码在 kubernetes 仓库
- https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes
- 位于:cmd/kubectl/kubectl.go
主体代码在 kubectl 仓库
- https://github.com/kubernetes/kubectl
- 以依赖包的方式被 kubenetes 引用
3.2 代码编译
// 可以生成你自己编译的 mykubectl 工具
go build -o bin/mykubectl cmd/kubectl/kubectl.go
// 测试
cd bin
./mykubectl get pod -n devops
3.3 代码主线
kubernetes: cmd/kubectl/kubectl.go main 方法
func main() {
// 创建根命令
command := cmd.NewDefaultKubectlCommand()
// 运行命令
if err := cli.RunNoErrOutput(command); err != nil {
// Pretty-print the error and exit with an error.
kubctl: pkg/cmd NewKubectlCommand 方法,创建 kubectl 命令对象和子命令
func NewKubectlCommand(o KubectlOptions) *cobra.Command {
warningHandler := rest.NewWarningWriter(o.IOStreams.ErrOut, rest.WarningWriterOptions{Deduplicate: true, Color: term.AllowsColorOutput(o.IOStreams.ErrOut)})
warningsAsErrors := false
// Parent command to which all subcommands are added.
cmds := &cobra.Command{
Use: "kubectl",
Short: i18n.T("kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager"),
Long: templates.LongDesc(`
kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager.
Find more information at:
Run: runHelp,
// 执行命令前的钩子
PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if cmd.Name() == cobra.ShellCompRequestCmd {
// This is the __complete or __completeNoDesc command which
// indicates shell completion has been requested.
plugin.SetupPluginCompletion(cmd, args)
return initProfiling()
// 执行命令后的钩子
PersistentPostRunE: func(*cobra.Command, []string) error {
if err := flushProfiling(); err != nil {
return err
if warningsAsErrors {
count := warningHandler.WarningCount()
switch count {
case 0:
// no warnings
case 1:
return fmt.Errorf("%d warning received", count)
return fmt.Errorf("%d warnings received", count)
return nil
// From this point and forward we get warnings on flags that contain "_" separators
// when adding them with hyphen instead of the original name.
flags := cmds.PersistentFlags()
flags.BoolVar(&warningsAsErrors, "warnings-as-errors", warningsAsErrors, "Treat warnings received from the server as errors and exit with a non-zero exit code")
kubeConfigFlags := o.ConfigFlags
if kubeConfigFlags == nil {
kubeConfigFlags = defaultConfigFlags
matchVersionKubeConfigFlags := cmdutil.NewMatchVersionFlags(kubeConfigFlags)
// Updates hooks to add kubectl command headers: SIG CLI KEP 859.
addCmdHeaderHooks(cmds, kubeConfigFlags)
// 实例化Factory接口,工厂模式
f := cmdutil.NewFactory(matchVersionKubeConfigFlags)
// Proxy command is incompatible with CommandHeaderRoundTripper, so
// clear the WrapConfigFn before running proxy command.
proxyCmd := proxy.NewCmdProxy(f, o.IOStreams)
proxyCmd.PreRun = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
kubeConfigFlags.WrapConfigFn = nil
// Avoid import cycle by setting ValidArgsFunction here instead of in NewCmdGet()
getCmd := get.NewCmdGet("kubectl", f, o.IOStreams)
getCmd.ValidArgsFunction = utilcomp.ResourceTypeAndNameCompletionFunc(f)
// 命令总共分了 7大类,每类里面有对应的子命令。【核心】
groups := templates.CommandGroups{
Message: "Basic Commands (Beginner):",
Commands: []*cobra.Command{
create.NewCmdCreate(f, o.IOStreams),
expose.NewCmdExposeService(f, o.IOStreams),
run.NewCmdRun(f, o.IOStreams),
set.NewCmdSet(f, o.IOStreams),
... 省略,kubectl 总共有7种分类,命令行输入 kubectl 回车后可以看到
filters := []string{"options"}
// Hide the "alpha" subcommand if there are no alpha commands in this build.
alpha := NewCmdAlpha(f, o.IOStreams)
if !alpha.HasSubCommands() {
filters = append(filters, alpha.Name())
templates.ActsAsRootCommand(cmds, filters, groups...)
registerCompletionFuncForGlobalFlags(cmds, f)
// 添加其他命令
cmds.AddCommand(cmdconfig.NewCmdConfig(clientcmd.NewDefaultPathOptions(), o.IOStreams))
cmds.AddCommand(version.NewCmdVersion(f, o.IOStreams))
cmds.AddCommand(apiresources.NewCmdAPIVersions(f, o.IOStreams))
cmds.AddCommand(apiresources.NewCmdAPIResources(f, o.IOStreams))
// Stop warning about normalization of flags. That makes it possible to
// add the klog flags later.
return cmds
到此命令对象都初始化完了,常见的 kubectl get、create、delete 等命令都在上面对应的 group 里面初始化了,可以进一步跟进去查看流程。
上面实例化Factory接口 f := cmdutil.NewFactory(matchVersionKubeConfigFlags)
type Factory interface {
// 动态客户端
DynamicClient() (dynamic.Interface, error)
// ClientSet客户端
KubernetesClientSet() (*kubernetes.Clientset, error)
// RESTClient客户端.
RESTClient() (*restclient.RESTClient, error)
// 实例化builder,builder用于将命令获取的参数转换成资源对象.
NewBuilder() *resource.Builder
// 验证资源对象
Validator(validate bool) (validation.Schema, error)
这边有 3 种与 k8s api 交互的客户端
- KubernetesClientSet
只能操作 k8s 内置资源 - DynamicClient
不仅可以操作内资资源,还可以操作我们自定义的 crd 资源。但是 ClientSet有类型检查,DynamicClient没有。 - RESTClient
KubernetesClientSet、DynamicClient 底层都是基于 RESTClient
本篇内容比较广但又不会很深入,有利于入门理清知识体系。涉及到的知识点包含:go、k8s 开发、kubernetes 源码、kubectl 源码、cobra、go-client。
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